Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cookies and Cream Bars

Hello friends, it's been awhile. I took a little unplanned three month sabbatical while exploring my new city. I wish I could say I've got a beautifully decorated home and a ton of new recipes ready...but I don't. Instead, I've been drinking a lot of local beer, eating some really amazing food, and seeing some beautiful places. San Antonio had a handful of gems but this city is FULL of them. Now that the weather has cooled off I can turn on the oven without making the entire house unbearably hot. The change in the weather is making me crave all the fall things and I can't wait to get back in the kitchen.

When I saw Trader Joe's new cookies and cream cookie butter I had no doubt that it would be as good as it's speculoos counterpart. Trashing up some bars with it was my first thought and these guys are the result. They have a fudgy brownie-like bottom and gooeyness on top. You can also enjoy the cookie butter on it's own with your choice of dippers. This new cookies and cream flavor got me thinking about making my own homemade cookie butter, which I'm going to have to try out next. Try my Chocolate Cookie Butter Bars if you love the original speculoos flavor.