Thursday, December 6, 2012


Hey guys! Sorry I don't have something sweet this time, but soon I promise. Since Thanksgiving it has just been busy busy, but I am loving it!

For the first time in my life .EVER. I have finished my Christmas shopping early. In fact, I even put the tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving. I never do that.

No stress, I'm diggin' the Christmas music, I'm just totally in the spirit.

I got THE cutest tree skirt ever.


The other half and I ran our first half marathon a few weeks ago. We ran in the San Antonio Rock 'N' Roll Marathon. We had been training for about three months, and the farthest I had ran in training was a little over 9 miles. The half is 13.1 so I was nervous, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it. Turns out it was a lot easier that I thought, it was a great day, a great run, and I really enjoyed myself. I was able to run the whole way, wasn't the fastest time, I have short legs, but I never walked. I finished in 2 hours and 37 minutes. Never in my life did I think I would be running for that length of time.

Last weekend on Saturday we went to a tamale festival downtown. The city renovated an old brewery and turned it into condos and The Culinary Institute of America, where they had Top Chef when they were here. The area is located right next to the riverwalk and it's full of restaurants, bars,  and shops. It was great, there were restaurants from all over the city selling all different kinds of tamales. I even met a couple. Yes, these are tamales with sombreros and their names are Paco and Lola, only in San Antonio.

Then on Sunday we participated in a 5k called Color Me Rad. It was a fun run where they throw paint at you. It was so much fun. Like my "rad" tattoo?

Now I've got to get ready for another race this Saturday called the Gladiator Rock 'N' Run. It's a mud run and it scares me. I can't say I have ever been totally covered in mud and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I hope I survive, but I've got to do something if I'm going to eat all these sweets that I bake. :) Priorities baby!


  1. Your Receipes are Fantastik......I'm Jus Sayin. ......... :)

  2. I'm waiting for something in Rhubarb.....I'm Jus Sayin......LOL......... :)

    1. Rhubarb huh? :) I'll have to check the stores to see if they ever came into season.
